Leelanau County Sheriff 2012 Candidate Del Moore Suttons Bay Chief of Police


Thank you . . .

" I started my campaign in September 2011 before the current Sheriff decided whether or not he was going to run and long before any other candidates had filed for the office of Sheriff. The one goal I had in mind was to improve on what has been accomplished and help bring healing and resolve to other issues.

I have high expectations for Mike Borkovich as incoming Sheriff and I believe he will do his best to meet those challenges. I will support him 100%, because I have known and respected him for nearly 20 years and Leelanau County voters have spoken.

I want to take a moment to thank all my supporters and let them know their kindness will not soon be forgotten. If I have missed any yards signs I would ask that folks kindly remove them and dispose of them as soon as possible."

Del Moore and family

  © 2011 DelMoore.com

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Del Moore for Sheriff #45-2011-001
Treasurer, Denise Richard, Elmwood Township - 12857 S. Roseland Dr., Traverse City, MI 49684